The Acts8 Movement is a Missionary Society made of lay and clergy members of the Episcopal Church. We are a group of enthusiastic Episcopalians dedicated to renewing the church through discipleship, evangelism and the use of current technologies for communication and strategic action.
Vision statement: Proclaiming Resurrection in The Episcopal Church.
Mission statement: Changing the conversation in The Episcopal Church from death to resurrection; equipping The Episcopal Church to proclaim resurrection to the world.
Acts 8 Guiding Principles:
- We follow Jesus, guided by the Holy Spirit, grounded in prayer, scripture, and worship.
- We give generously to support the spread of the Kingdom of God.
- We challenge The Episcopal Church to proclaim the good news of Jesus in effective ways.
- We encourage and equip local missionary communities.
- We work to transform unjust structures of society, reconcile all people to God and one another, and care for creation.
- We carry out our work with hope, optimism, and good humor.
- We consistently and transparently communicate to achieve dialogue across the church.