There’s a lot of talk about “decline” in everything; from the Episcopal Church to all the Mainlines, to Christianity, to all organizations that rely on voluntary membership in general. Â But we as Christians are a resurrection people. Â Even in the middle of Holy Week, we always live in the reality of the Resurrection of Jesus.
I think if we look at the church around us, we see signs of resurrection. New or re-imagined ministry in worship, outreach, education and discipleship that is making a difference in people’s lives. Â What are the top ten signs of resurrection you see in the Episcopal Church?
How do I participate in the BLOGFORCE?
Simply blog your answer on your own site, then:
1. Paste this code at the bottom of your post – note that it is code so you will probably need to switch to HTML view in your blog editor:
<p align="center"><a href=""><img alt="" src="/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/blogforceparticipant.gif" width="290" height="73" /></a></p>
It will look like this:
2. Send the permanent link and just the 10 items (no explanations – that’s on your blog) to [email protected]. Â This should be done by no later than 5PM Central Time on Sunday. Â On Monday, the lists will be re-posted with links. Â At that point, the provided code will point to the round-up page instead of here.
The editorial board of Acts8 reserves the right to decline submissions that are deemed offensive or do not uphold the .
David Simmons, BLOGFORCE Wing Commander