BLOGFORCE Roundup – The Haiku

As the second part of the Acts8 BLOGFORCE summer fun, we challenged readers to write in with their Episcopal Haiku.    To recap – a little about Haiku:

From :

Haiku ( haikai verse)   (no separate plural form) is a very short form of  typically characterised by three qualities:

  • The essence of haiku is “cutting” (kiru). This is often represented by the juxtaposition of two images or ideas and a (“cutting word”) between them, a kind of verbal punctuation mark which signals the moment of separation and colors the manner in which the juxtaposed elements are related.
  • Traditional haiku consist of 17  (also known as ), in three phrases of 5, 7 and 5 on respectively.
  •  (seasonal reference), usually drawn from a , an extensive but defined list of such words.

And now on with the EpisKu:

Rodger Patience :

Snow Lantern (See photo on site)

ordinarily holds snow;
these green days build peace.

John  Talbert e-mailed:

come through the red door
break bread and be forgiven
go forth, Christ in you

Andrew Amanda Leigh-Bullard  several haiku, of which one is:


Candles and incense
Silence lingers after chant
Share a holy space

Rosalind Hughes :


Sunset on steeple.
Shadows lengthen; silence falls
Still, fire burns inside

Jonathan Sams several haiku, of which one is:

Altar Guild forgot
Early Eucharist today:
Extreme repentance.

Patricia Marks emailed two haiku:

Newcomer amazed–
coffee-hour means cookies.
What a sweet welcome!

Talkative toddler
paraphrases the sermon.
At least he heard it.

Betsy Hellman wrote on Facebook:

On Haiku Wednesday
Opportunity abounds
To express your faith

Neil Alan Willard wrote on Facebook:

What makes sense of things:
scripture, tradition, reason,
intertwined with love.

Adam Trambley several haiku, of which one is:

One thing is needed
for ECW and free lunches:

Julian Long wrote on Facebook:

I know I left you
(Or perhaps the Church left me)
But I still love you

Nurya Love Parish tweeted:

So much to offer
Here & now; this time, this place
ancient paths made new.

Grey Maggiano tweeted:

Joe is gullible.
Peter is an idiot.
God loves you, too.

Holli Powell tweeted:

The body of Christ
the bread placed between my palms
broken, just like me.

Hanna Proctor tweeted:

Cupped palms before me–
“This is Christ’s Blood, shed for you.”
My dead heart now beats.

Walking on water,
“Truly, you’re the Son of God”
Jesus saves Peter.

Brendan O’Sullivan Hale several haiku, of which one is:

A few drops of water
Trickling across my forehead.
Now baptized, I wept.

he also tweeted:

Church with no AC
Mid-morning sun bakes the bricks
Hot Mass on Sunday.

Several people responded to a challenge from to make the collect for Proper 14 a haiku.

Hannah Proctor tweeted:

We think and we do
Live according to God’s will
Only through Jesus.

Andrew Amanda Leigh-Bullard tweeted:

Living by your will
Spirit that leads us to right
Grant to us O Lord

B Snyder tweeted:

in You we live and
move and have our being; guide
us into Your truth.

Tom Lutes tweeted:

Ground of All Being
Continue to think of us
And we live by you

Jennifer Dinzeo tweeted:

We need you, Oh, Lord
May your Spirit guide our feet
To live Jesus’ way

 Continue the Conversation on Twitter!

Acts8 will be hosting a one-hour tweetchat moderated by The Megan Castellan (@revlucymeg) on the evening of this roundup (8/11) at 9PM EDT/6PM PDT.  Use the hashtag #acts8tc.

Stay tuned for (possibly) more weighty BLOGFORCE challenges!

The editorial board of Acts8 reserves the right to decline submissions that are deemed offensive or do not uphold the Guiding Principles.

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