The (TREC) has issued it’s
Therefore, it’s time for a BLOGFORCE SCRAMBLE! If you’d like to blog with us on your reflections, follow the instructions below.
This report has just been issued. So:
- Take a deep breath
- Remember that this is the beginning of a process and conversation.
This BLOGFORCE scramble is a short-term quick response. so it will end at 5PM, Wednesday the 17th. A summary post will be posted on Thursday morning. Due to the length of the report, the Ready Five will end on Friday, December 19th at Noon.
How do I participate in the Blogforce?
Simply blog your answer on your own site, then:
1. Paste the code you can find at the bottom of your post – note that it is code so you will probably need to switch to HTML view in your blog editor. It should look like this on your blog when posted or previewed:
2. Send the permanent link and a 120 word or less abstract to [email protected]. This should be done by no later than 5PM Central Time on Wednesday the 17rth. On Thursday, Noon on Friday the 19th. After that, the abstracts will be re-posted with links. At that point, the provided code will point to the round-up page instead of here.
The editorial board of Acts8 reserves the right to decline submissions that are deemed offensive or do not uphold the .