So now that the TREC report has been released and debated ad-infinitem, ACTS 8 is hosting a three-part BLOGFORCE challenge focussed on mission and structure at different levels of the church. Over the course of this, we will be asking the following three questions:
1. What is the mission of the congregation? How should it be structured to serve its mission?
2. What is the mission of the Diocese? How should it be structured to serve its mission?
3. What is the mission of the (Domestic and Foreign) Mission Society (of the Protestant Episcopal Church of America) or whatever you currently insist on calling it? How should it be structured to serve its mission?
This week’s challenge is question one. While there is much debate about what the “basic unit” of the church is from a theological standpoint, it is hard to argue that the congregation does not have its own unique identity and legal standing. What is the mission of a congregation and how should it ideally be structured to serve its mission? What might it look like if we re-tooled from the ground up?
David Simmons
Acts8 BLOGFORCE Wing Commander
How do I participate in the Blogforce?
Simply blog your answer on your own site, then:
1. Paste the code you can find at the bottom of your post – note that it is code so you will probably need to switch to HTML view in your blog editor. It should look like this on your blog when posted or previewed:
2. Send the permanent link and a 120 word or less origin story abstract to [email protected]. This should be done by no later than 5PM Central Time on Sunday the 8th of February. On Monday, the abstracts will be re-posted with links. At that point, the provided code will point to the round-up page instead of here.
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Look during the week for more information on our next Acts8 tweetchat, which is scheduled for Monday, Feburary 9th at 9PM EDT using #acts8tc