Category Archives: BLOGFORCE

Good Book Club BLOGFORCE Week Seven


During the season of Lent and Easter, The Acts8 BLOGFORCE and Collect Call will be cooperating with   and Episcopal organizations across the spectrum to promote the reading of Luke and Acts.  Every week, we present a new question based on the upcoming readings for people to blog on.  The question for this week, that of March 25th, is:

Welcome to the strange world of the Easter preacher.  Reading Luke’s account of the resurrection on Maundy Thursday can be a bit disjointing, but how might the story of that first Easter morning prepare you for the Triduum that is to come?

Anyone can participate in the BLOGFORCE using the instructions below:

David Simmons & Steve Pankey

How do I participate in the BLOGFORCE?

Simply blog your answer on your own site.  If you don’t have a site, perhaps consider , which is free and easy to set up.

1. Paste the code you can find  at the bottom of your post – note that it is code so you will probably need to switch to HTML view in your blog editor. It should look like this on your blog when posted or previewed:


Blog Force Participant


2. Participating blog entries will be shared through the Acts8 Twitter and Facebook feeds.  Please email the link to your blog post to .

The editorial board of Acts8 reserves the right to decline submissions that are deemed offensive or do not uphold the .

Good Book Club BLOGFORCE Week Six


During the season of Lent and Easter, The Acts8 BLOGFORCE and Collect Call will be cooperating with   and Episcopal organizations across the spectrum to promote the reading of Luke and Acts.  Every week, we present a new question based on the upcoming readings for people to blog on.  The question for this week, that of March 18th, is:

A few weeks ago, we asked what burdens the Church needed to let go of to make room for the Kingdom of God.  In the story of the rich ruler, with Holy Week just around the corner, the question becomes much more personal.  What is holding you back from inheriting eternal life?

Anyone can participate in the BLOGFORCE using the instructions below:

David Simmons & Steve Pankey

How do I participate in the BLOGFORCE?

Simply blog your answer on your own site.  If you don’t have a site, perhaps consider , which is free and easy to set up.

1. Paste the code you can find  at the bottom of your post – note that it is code so you will probably need to switch to HTML view in your blog editor. It should look like this on your blog when posted or previewed:


Blog Force Participant


2. Participating blog entries will be shared through the Acts8 Twitter and Facebook feeds.  Please email the link to your blog post to .

The editorial board of Acts8 reserves the right to decline submissions that are deemed offensive or do not uphold the .

Good Book Club BLOGFORCE Week Five


During the season of Lent and Easter, The Acts8 BLOGFORCE and Collect Call will be cooperating with   and Episcopal organizations across the spectrum to promote the reading of Luke and Acts.  Every week, we present a new question based on the upcoming readings for people to blog on.  The question for this week, that of March 11th, is:

Prodigal (n) – a person who spends money in a recklessly extravagant way – is often used to describe the younger son in the well known parable, but what if the point of this parable is the prodigality of the father?  Tell of a time you were aware of God’ recklessly extravagant grace.

Anyone can participate in the BLOGFORCE using the instructions below:

David Simmons & Steve Pankey

How do I participate in the BLOGFORCE?

Simply blog your answer on your own site.  If you don’t have a site, perhaps consider , which is free and easy to set up.

1. Paste the code you can find  at the bottom of your post – note that it is code so you will probably need to switch to HTML view in your blog editor. It should look like this on your blog when posted or previewed:


Blog Force Participant


2. Participating blog entries will be shared through the Acts8 Twitter and Facebook feeds.  Please email the link to your blog post to .

The editorial board of Acts8 reserves the right to decline submissions that are deemed offensive or do not uphold the .

Good Book Club BLOGFORCE Week Four


During the season of Lent and Easter, The Acts8 BLOGFORCE and Collect Call will be cooperating with   and Episcopal organizations across the spectrum to promote the reading of Luke and Acts.  Every week, we  present a new question based on the upcoming readings for people to blog on.  The question for this week, that of March 4th, is:

“Jesus says to the religious authorities of the time, ‘You load people with burdens hard to bear, and you yourselves do not lift a finger to ease them.’  What burdens does the church carry or load on people today that it needs to ease?”

Anyone can participate in the BLOGFORCE using the instructions below:

David Simmons & Steve Pankey

How do I participate in the BLOGFORCE?

Simply blog your answer on your own site.  If you don’t have a site, perhaps consider , which is free and easy to set up.

1. Paste the code you can find  at the bottom of your post – note that it is code so you will probably need to switch to HTML view in your blog editor. It should look like this on your blog when posted or previewed:


Blog Force Participant


2. Participating blog entries will be shared through the Acts8 Twitter and Facebook feeds.  Please email the link to your blog post to .

The editorial board of Acts8 reserves the right to decline submissions that are deemed offensive or do not uphold the .

Good Book Club BLOGFORCE Week Three


During the season of Lent and Easter, The Acts8 BLOGFORCE and Collect Call will be cooperating with   and Episcopal organizations across the spectrum to promote the reading of Luke and Acts.  Every week, we  present a new question based on the upcoming readings for people to blog on.  The question for this week, that of February 25th, is:

“What do we learn from the prayer that Jesus taught his disciples? ” (The Lord’s Prayer)

Anyone can participate in the BLOGFORCE using the instructions below:

David Simmons & Steve Pankey

How do I participate in the BLOGFORCE?

Simply blog your answer on your own site.  If you don’t have a site, perhaps consider , which is free and easy to set up.

1. Paste the code you can find  at the bottom of your post – note that it is code so you will probably need to switch to HTML view in your blog editor. It should look like this on your blog when posted or previewed:


Blog Force Participant


2. Participating blog entries will be shared through the Acts8 Twitter and Facebook feeds.  Please email the link to your blog post to .

The editorial board of Acts8 reserves the right to decline submissions that are deemed offensive or do not uphold the .

Good Book Club BLOGFORCE Week One


During the season of Lent and Easter, The Acts8 BLOGFORCE and Collect Call will be cooperating with   and Episcopal organizations across the spectrum to promote the reading of Luke and Acts.  Every week, we will present a new question based on the upcoming readings for people to blog on.  The question for this week, that of February 11, is:

“Luke’s goal in writing his two-part story is to provide an orderly account so that his readers might know the truth about Jesus. To what end do you read the scriptures?”

Anyone can participate in the BLOGFORCE using the instructions below:

David Simmons & Steve Pankey

How do I participate in the BLOGFORCE?

Simply blog your answer on your own site.  If you don’t have a site, perhaps consider , which is free and easy to set up.

1. Paste the code you can find  at the bottom of your post – note that it is code so you will probably need to switch to HTML view in your blog editor. It should look like this on your blog when posted or previewed:

Blog Force Participant

2. Participating blog entries will be shared through the Acts8 Twitter and Facebook feeds.  Please email the link to your blog post to .

The editorial board of Acts8 reserves the right to decline submissions that are deemed offensive or do not uphold the .

BLOGFORCE: What does society need to hear from the church?

BlogforcelogoAmerica has been in a lot of turmoil before and after the presidential election.  Many have questioned the role of the church in times such as these.  So we post a simple question with undoubtedly complex answers:

“What does our society need to hear (and see) from the church right now?

Anyone can participate in the BLOGFORCE!  Responses and abstracts are due by 5PM Central Time on Monday, Feburary 20th and the roundup will be posted on the 21st.

David Simmons
Acts8 BLOGFORCE Wing Commander

How do I participate in the BLOGFORCE?

Simply blog your answer on your own site, then:

1. Paste the code you can find  at the bottom of your post – note that it is code so you will probably need to switch to HTML view in your blog editor. It should look like this on your blog when posted or previewed:

2. Send the permanent link and a 120 word or less abstract to .  This should be done by no later than 5PM Central Time on Monday, February 20th .  On Tuesday, the abstracts will be re-posted with links.  At that point, the provided code will point to the round-up page instead of here.

The editorial board of Acts8 reserves the right to decline submissions that are deemed offensive or do not uphold the .

BLOGFORCE Roundup – The Spiritual Role of Giving

BlogforceVerticalTwo weeks ago, the question was posed to the BLOGFORCE:

“How has financial giving affected your spiritual life?“

We received several responses, which are listed in the order received

Steve Pankey  “Contentment”:

In the New Testament lesson for Proper 21c, the author of 1 Timothy tells the young leader that there is great gain in godliness combined with contentment. He warns Timothy of the trap of riches. The temptation that comes with a lack of contentment takes our attention away from God. Envy leads to ruin and destruction. As I rode through my neighborhood that afternoon, those empty TV boxes pulled me to the edge of the root of all evil: the love of money. Thanks be to God, the temptation of a shiny new TV for the big game didn’t win out. In coming to grips with the opportunity cost of tithing, I realized that sacrificing for the Kingdom is something that should bring joy.

Megan Castellan  “Stewardship and Anxiety”:

Coming to see money and my material possessions as belonging to God, and not to me was a radical shift in my understanding and comfort level with money. It empowered me to be bolder with my resources, more able to see at work in everything around me–even the things which scare me most.

Alberto Moreno blogged “Como a afectado tu vida espiritual el donar económicamente?”:

El dar económicamente es una realidad que no he terminado de aprender y que siempre me desafía a salir de mi “zona de confort” para ir a los demás en necesidad.

Brendan O’Sullivan-Hale  “5 Ways My Spiritual Life Changed When I Got Serious About My Pledge”:

Much as I remember exactly where I was when I made the decision (or was called, whatever) to become a Christian, I can also name the precise moment I decided to become serious about giving to the church. In a nondescript ballroom in the basement of the Sheraton in downtown Indianapolis, Walter Brueggeman was giving the keynote address at the conference for The Episcopal Network for Stewardship.

Holli Powell  “Six Stories of Stewardship”:

Sometimes giving to the church can feel a little bit nebulous. It’s not like giving to a food bank or a homeless shelter, an organization with one sole purpose. The money I give to my congregation might go to pay our staff, to heat the building, to fund the youth group, or to do something I don’t even know about. That’s tough for me, and it’s needed. I don’t always get to direct God’s actions. Actually, I don’t ever get to direct God’s actions, and that is the hardest thing for a control freak like me. I have to let the money go and trust that God will do with it what God will.

Adam Trambley  “How Has Financial Giving Affected My Spiritual Life?”:

Adam Trambley describes the effects of tithing on his faith and his marriage. “We came to realize just how much we were united “for richer or for poorer”, and the blessing that could be, even when things felt a bit more on the “for poorer” side. Tithing the firstfruits of our finances together meant that we were obedient to God together, and it drove us to prayer together which has significantly deepened our spiritual life together.”

Susan Snook  “Putting our Trust in God, Not Money”:

But the thing is, for us, sitting there in church, we heard the voice of God at the same time, calling us to do this absurd thing. And God showed us that he was there, blessing us right through it. In fact, in writing that check, we made the decision that our money was not going to be our savior. Against all our training, against all our professional backgrounds, against common sense, we determined that we would put our trust in God instead. And we’ve never looked back.

Respectfully Submitted,
David Simmons, BLOGFORCE Wing Commander

BLOGFORCE Response – Alberto Moreno – Como a afectado tu vida espiritual el donar económicamente?

” Como a afectado tu vida espiritual el donar económicamente?”

Desde una antropología bíblico – teológica, el ser humano es una realidad holística compuesta por cuerpo, alma y espíritu(1 Ts 5,23), la unidad de estos elementos conforman al ser humano y es difícil además de imposible separarlos, o sea, que no podríamos decir; Lo que hace alguna parte de mi cuerpo, por ejemplo la mano, es algo separado de mi mente o de mis deseos. En el universo, la naturaleza y en la sociedad, todo está en conectado, lo que hacemos, pequeño o grande, bueno o malo, sea en el espacio privado o en la vida pública afecta a los demás. Por consiguiente en una primera aproximación a la respuesta de la pregunta inicial podría decir que mis donaciones económicas a la Iglesia, a las campañas de apoyo en favor de los necesitados, o el apoyo a mis familiares en necesidad están en una relación directamente proporcional a mi crecimiento espiritual, así como la falta de ellas afectara el estancamiento en mi vida espiritual y humana.

Las congregaciones cristianas de cualquier latitud geográfica, étnica o nivel socio-económico se enfrentan ante esta misma constante, que parece ser una ley del crecimiento espiritual y comunitario, que Jesús mismo formula en la siguiente frase:

“Dad y se os dará”. Desde mi experiencia puedo decir que he experimentado la bendición de dar todas mis ganancias a la comunidad en las primeras etapas de mi vida espiritual siendo soltero, es decir, sin estar casado. Después de pasar a la etapa de matrimonio y tener la bendición de dos hijas, he cambiado mi patrón de ofrenda económica, ya no ofrendo todo, sino solo una parte que sea significativa, pues es obvio que Dios me pide nutrir y educar a mi familia, es decir mi esposa e hijas. Esta etapa de matrimonio también me ha hecho madurar como persona en otros ángulos de la realidad humana y espiritual, que son dos realidades que están íntimamente relacionadas. Finalmente el dar económicamente es una realidad que no he terminado de aprender y que siempre me desafía a salir de mi “zona de confort” para ir a los demás en necesidad. Desde mi experiencia de servir en una congregación latina, ha sido también una tarea desafiante enseñar y dar testimonio de ofrendar, pues muchos latinos han desarrollado su vida espiritual con un bajo aprecio por ofrendar económicamente a la iglesia, pero a veces siendo más generosos para ayudar a las personas y familiares en necesidad.

Rev. Alberto Moreno

ONGOING BLOGFORCE: What’s the Spiritual Role of Financial Giving?

BlogforcelogoOur BLOGFORCE continues this week with the following question:

“How has financial giving affected your spiritual life?

Anyone can participate in the BLOGFORCE!  Responses and abstracts are due by 5PM Central Time on Monday, October 3rd and the roundup will be posted on the 4th.

David Simmons
Acts8 BLOGFORCE Wing Commander

How do I participate in the BLOGFORCE?

Simply blog your answer on your own site, then:

1. Paste the code you can find  at the bottom of your post – note that it is code so you will probably need to switch to HTML view in your blog editor. It should look like this on your blog when posted or previewed:

2. Send the permanent link and a 120 word or less abstract to .  This should be done by no later than 5PM Central Time on Monday, October 3rd .  On Tuesday, the abstracts will be re-posted with links.  At that point, the provided code will point to the round-up page instead of here.

The editorial board of Acts8 reserves the right to decline submissions that are deemed offensive or do not uphold the .