You are invited to join in a practice of daily prayer for the upcoming General Convention of the Episcopal Church! The Acts 8 Moment asks Episcopalians to set their smart phones and watches to alarm each day at 5:08 pm in their own time zone to pray for the church.
Why 5:08? For Acts 8. Acts is the 5th book of the New Testament, and the 8th chapter is the one in which the church responded to a culture hostile to the Gospel with greater faithfulness. The stoning of Stephen at the end of Acts Chapter 7 created a crisis. But the Holy Spirit led the church into new neighborhoods, and out into the wilderness to proclaim the gospel in new ways.
In advance of the 2012 General Convention, a movement called the Acts 8 Moment came together to call the church to make room for prayer, discernment, and reflection on the scriptures. During the General Convention, interested people met to do just that, to join together in prayer for the church. The Acts 8 Moment has continued since 2012, calling the church to faithfulness, prayer, and proclaiming the Resurrection. Before and during the 2015 Convention, join the Acts 8 Moment in praying daily for the Presiding Bishop’s election and discernment for deputies and bishops as they prepare to discuss and vote on restructuring, reimagining, and new ways to follow God’s call.
Pray for inspiration. Pray for discernment. Pray for us all to have the courage to go where the Holy Spirit will send us. We are in a moment pregnant with potential, and we hope for a Church up to the task of being the Body of Christ to a lost and hurting world.